Horizontal Split Case

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The horizontal split case pump has long been used for the handling of liquids where the utmost in reliability and accessibility is paramount. The Aurora 410 Series is a modern design based on Aurora’s over 90 years of experience with the design, sales and manufacturing of split case pumps.

Model 411 is horizontally baseplate mounted with a driver flexibility couple to the pump. This design is recommended where floor space is readily available and where flooding of the installation is not possible.

Model 412 is vertically mounted and uses flexible shafting between the driver and the pump. This model is frequently used on difficult applications where flooding of the installation is a possibility.

Model 413 is vertically mounted with an elevated driver coupled directly to the pump through a flexible coupling. Model 413 is very popular for installations where available floor space is limited and where possible flooding is marginal.

Aurora’s 410 Series are readily used in industrial, agricultural and commercial applications including water supply, irrigation and water transfer.

Bronze fitted pump construction
Dynamically balance impellers
Bronze shaft sleeves and case wearing rings
Twin volute on 10” and larger pumps
Re-grease able ball bearings
Internal bypass between casing and stuffing box
Carbon steel shaft


Water Pump – Split Case Pumps – Series 410

Capacities: 15,000 gpm ( 3,407 M3/HR)
T.D. Head: 663 feet (202 meters)

– Cooling, Heating and Air Conditioning Service
– Boiler Feed Service
– Condensate Service
– High Pressure Water Service
Temperatures to 275°F (135°C)



Product Catalog

Horizontal Split Case - A-02-1017