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+63908 675 2079
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Link-Belt® belt conveyor idlers and components set the standard of excellence for bulk material handling throughout the world. We offer a full line of ball bearing idler products that meet or exceed CEMA B, C, D and E specifications. Our ball bearing idlers feature advanced bearing technology for less rolling resistance than competing designs. Efficient bearing placement minimizes shaft deflection and extends bearing life. Moreover, the bearings are sealed for life, resulting in maintenance free service. The new bearing technology also helps to ensure quality control in the manufacturing process and to extend roll life.

SMH offers Link-Belt® idlers for a variety of different industries and applications and if you have a special need we’ll let our engineering team go to work designing the perfect solution. From Aggregates, Chemical, Agricultural, Sand & Gravel, Pulp & Paper, Mining, Oil Sands, Port Facilities, and many other applications you demand an idler for long-lasting service.

Product Catalog

Syntron- Idler