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Premium Digital Soft Starter

Best in Class IEC Soft Starter
With built-in full motor overload protection as well as full data logging, field serviceable fans, upgradeable firmware and extensive input/output programmability, VMX-synergy™ meets all of the key design criteria.


Ease of Use
The display will show all messages in full and 15 different global languages. The use of graphic/schematic
images and active mimic diagrams will facilitate complete understanding. Detailed logging will aid setup
and onboard USB allows configurations to be upload/downloaded and emailed.
Auto Configuration
The automatic functionality has been expanded so that more features can be configured without referring
to parameter lists.
Energy Savings
Energy optimizing is combined with bypass to give energy saving in more applications.
Automatic Load Tuning
The VMX-Synergy™ will ‘tune’ itself to the load.
Touch Screen
The VMX-synergy™ comes standard with a color touch screen on all sizes.

AC Supply Voltage: 200 – 480 Vac
HP Ratings: 10 to 400 HP
Amp Ratings: 17 to 477 Amps
Application: 42 Profiles.
Energy Savings: iERS System
Bypass: Built-in


Motor Rating(HP/kW)
0.5HP/0.37KW, 0.75HP/0.6KW, 1.5HP/1.1KW, 100HP/75kw, 10HP/7.5kw, 125HP/93kw, 150HP/112kw, 15HP/11kw, 175HP/130kw, 1HP/0.75KW, 200HP/149kw, 20HP/15kw, 250HP/187kw, 25HP/18kw, 2HP/1.5kw, 300HP/224kw, 30HP/22kw, 3HP/2.2kw, 40HP/30kw, 50HP/37kw, 5HP/3.7kw, 60HP/45kw, 7.5HP/5.5kw, 75HP/56kw

220V, 380V, 440V

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